Source code for astropy.units.quantity

# coding: utf-8
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines the `Quantity` object, which represents a number with some associated
units. `Quantity` objects support operations like ordinary numbers, but will deal with
unit conversions internally.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, division, print_function

# Standard library
import copy
import numbers

import numpy as np

# AstroPy
from .core import Unit, UnitBase, IrreducibleUnit, CompositeUnit

__all__ = ["Quantity"]

def _validate_value(value):
    """ Make sure that the input is a Python numeric type.

    value : number
        An object that will be checked whether it is a numeric type or not.

        The new value either as an array or a scalar
    from ..utils.misc import isiterable

    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
        value_obj = value
    elif isiterable(value):
        value_obj = np.array(value, copy=True)
    elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
        # A length-0 numpy array (i.e. numpy scalar) which we accept as-is
        value_obj = np.array(value, copy=True)
        raise TypeError("The value must be a valid Python numeric type.")

    return value_obj

[docs]class Quantity(object): """ A `Quantity` represents a number with some associated unit. Parameters ---------- value : number The numerical value of this quantity in the units given by unit. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` instance, str An object that represents the unit associated with the input value. Must be an `~astropy.units.UnitBase` object or a string parseable by the `units` package. Raises ------ TypeError If the value provided is not a Python numeric type. TypeError If the unit provided is not either a `Unit` object or a parseable string unit. """ def __init__(self, value, unit): self._value = _validate_value(value) self._unit = Unit(unit)
[docs] def to(self, unit): """ Returns a new `Quantity` object with the specified units. Parameters ---------- unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` instance, str An object that represents the unit to convert to. Must be an `~astropy.units.UnitBase` object or a string parseable by the `units` package. """ new_val =, self.value) new_unit = Unit(unit) return Quantity(new_val, new_unit)
@property def value(self): """ The numerical value of this quantity. """ return self._value @value.setter
[docs] def value(self, obj): """ Setter for the value attribute. We allow the user to change the value by setting this attribute, so this will validate the new object. Parameters ---------- obj : number The numerical value of this quantity in the same units as stored internally. Raises ------ TypeError If the value provided is not a Python numeric type. """ self._value = _validate_value(obj)
[docs] def unit(self): """ A `~astropy.units.UnitBase` object representing the unit of this quantity. """ return self._unit
[docs] def si(self): """ Returns a copy of the current `Quantity` instance with SI units. The value of the resulting object will be scaled. """ from . import si as _si si_unit_set = set([ss for ss in _si.__dict__.values() if isinstance(ss, IrreducibleUnit)]) si_quantity_value = self.value if isinstance(self.unit, CompositeUnit): si_quantity_bases = [] si_quantity_powers = [] for base_unit, power in zip(self.unit.bases, self.unit.powers): is_si = True for si_unit in si_unit_set: if base_unit.is_equivalent(si_unit) and base_unit != si_unit: scale = (base_unit / si_unit).dimensionless_constant() ** power si_quantity_value *= scale is_si = False si_quantity_bases.append(si_unit) si_quantity_powers.append(power) break if is_si: si_quantity_bases.append(base_unit) si_quantity_powers.append(power) return Quantity(si_quantity_value, CompositeUnit(1., si_quantity_bases, si_quantity_powers).simplify()) else: for si_unit in si_unit_set: if self.unit.is_equivalent(si_unit) and self.unit != si_unit: # Don't have to worry about power here because if it has a power, it's a CompositeUnit scale = (self.unit / si_unit).dimensionless_constant() si_quantity_value *= scale return Quantity(si_quantity_value, si_unit) return self.copy()
[docs] def cgs(self): """ Returns a copy of the current `Quantity` instance with CGS units. The value of the resulting object will be scaled. """ from . import cgs as _cgs si_quantity = cgs_quantity_value = si_quantity.value if isinstance(si_quantity.unit, CompositeUnit): cgs_quantity_bases = [] cgs_quantity_powers = [] for base_unit, power in zip(si_quantity.unit.bases, si_quantity.unit.powers): if base_unit in _cgs._cgs_bases.keys(): scale = (base_unit / _cgs._cgs_bases[base_unit]).dimensionless_constant() ** power cgs_quantity_value *= scale cgs_quantity_bases.append(_cgs._cgs_bases[base_unit]) cgs_quantity_powers.append(power) else: cgs_quantity_bases.append(base_unit) cgs_quantity_powers.append(power) return Quantity(cgs_quantity_value, CompositeUnit(1., cgs_quantity_bases, cgs_quantity_powers).simplify()) else: if si_quantity.unit in _cgs._cgs_bases.keys(): # Don't have to worry about power here because if it has a power, it's a CompositeUnit scale = (si_quantity.unit / _cgs._cgs_bases[si_quantity.unit]).dimensionless_constant() cgs_quantity_value *= scale return Quantity(cgs_quantity_value, _cgs._cgs_bases[si_quantity.unit]) else: return Quantity(si_quantity.value, si_quantity.unit)
[docs] def isscalar(self): """ True if the `value` of this quantity is a scalar, or False if it is an array-like object. .. note:: This is subtly different from `numpy.isscalar` in that `numpy.isscalar` returns False for a zero-dimensional array (e.g. ``np.array(1)``), while this is True in that case. """ from ..utils.misc import isiterable return not isiterable(self.value)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of this `Quantity` instance """ return Quantity(self.value, unit=self.unit) # Arithmetic operations
def __add__(self, other): """ Addition between `Quantity` objects and other objects. If they are both `Quantity` objects, results in the units of the **left** object if they are compatible, otherwise this fails. """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self.value +, unit=self.unit) else: raise TypeError("Object of type '{0}' cannot be added with a " "Quantity object. Addition is only supported between Quantity " "objects with compatible units.".format(other.__class__)) def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtraction between `Quantity` objects and other objects. If they are both `Quantity` objects, results in the units of the **left** object if they are compatible, otherwise this fails. """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self.value -, unit=self.unit) else: raise TypeError("Object of type '{0}' cannot be added with a " "Quantity object. Addition is only supported between Quantity " "objects with compatible units.".format(other.__class__)) def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiplication between `Quantity` objects and other objects. """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self.value * other.value, unit=self.unit * other.unit) elif isinstance(other, UnitBase): return Quantity(self.value, unit=other * self.unit) else: try: return Quantity(other * self.value, unit=self.unit) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Object of type '{0}' cannot be multiplied with a Quantity object.".format(other.__class__)) def __rmul__(self, other): """ Right Multiplication between `Quantity` objects and other objects. """ return self.__mul__(other) def __div__(self, other): """ Division between `Quantity` objects and other objects. """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(self.value / other.value, unit=self.unit / other.unit) elif isinstance(other, UnitBase): return Quantity(self.value, unit=self.unit / other) elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number) and hasattr(self.unit, "bases"): new_unit_bases = copy.copy(self.unit.bases) new_unit_powers = [-p for p in self.unit.powers] return Quantity(other / self.value, unit=CompositeUnit(1., new_unit_bases, new_unit_powers)) else: try: return Quantity(self.value / other, unit=self.unit) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Object of type '{0}' cannot be diveded with a Quantity object.".format(other.__class__)) def __rdiv__(self, other): """ Right Division between `Quantity` objects and other objects. """ if isinstance(other, Quantity): return Quantity(other.value / self.value, unit=other.unit / self.unit) elif isinstance(other, UnitBase): return Quantity(1. / self.value, unit=other / self.unit) else: try: return Quantity(other / self.value, unit=1. / self.unit) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Object of type '{0}' cannot be diveded with a Quantity object.".format(other.__class__)) def __truediv__(self, other): """ Division between `Quantity` objects. """ return self.__div__(other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Division between `Quantity` objects. """ return self.__rdiv__(other) def __pow__(self, p): """ Raise `Quantity` object to a power. """ if hasattr(p, 'unit'): raise TypeError('Cannot raise a Quantity object to a power of something with a unit') return Quantity(self.value ** p, unit=self.unit ** p) # Comparison operations def __eq__(self, other): if hasattr(other, 'value') and hasattr(other, 'to'): return self.value == else: return False def __ne__(self, other): if hasattr(other, 'value') and hasattr(other, 'to'): return self.value != else: return True def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return self.value < else: raise TypeError("Quantity object cannot be compared to an object of type {0}".format(other.__class__)) def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return self.value <= else: raise TypeError("Quantity object cannot be compared to an object of type {0}".format(other.__class__)) def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return self.value > else: raise TypeError("Quantity object cannot be compared to an object of type {0}".format(other.__class__)) def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Quantity): return self.value >= else: raise TypeError("Quantity object cannot be compared to an object of type {0}".format(other.__class__)) #other overrides of special functions def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) ^ hash(self.unit) def __getitem__(self, key): if self.isscalar: raise TypeError("'{cls}' object with a scalar value does not support indexing".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) else: return Quantity(self.value[key], unit=self.unit) def __len__(self): if self.isscalar: raise TypeError("'{cls}' object with a scalar value has no len()".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) else: return len(self.value) #Numerical types def __float__(self): if not self.isscalar: raise TypeError('Only scalar quantities can be converted to Python scalars') return float(self.value) def __int__(self): if not self.isscalar: raise TypeError('Only scalar quantities can be converted to Python scalars') return int(self.value) def __long__(self): if not self.isscalar: raise TypeError('Only scalar quantities can be converted to Python scalars') return long(self.value) # Display # TODO: we may want to add a hook for dimensionless quantities? def __str__(self): return "{0} {1:s}".format(self.value, self.unit.to_string()) def __repr__(self): return "<Quantity {0} {1:s}>".format(self.value, self.unit.to_string()) def _repr_latex_(self): """ Generate latex representation of unit name. This is used by the IPython notebook to show it all latexified. Returns ------- lstr LaTeX string """ # Format value latex_value = "{0:g}".format(self.value) if "e" in latex_value: latex_value = latex_value.replace('e', '\\times 10^{') + '}' # Format unit # [1:-1] strips the '$' on either side needed for math mode latex_unit = self.unit._repr_latex_()[1:-1] # note this is unicode return u'${0} \; {1}$'.format(latex_value, latex_unit) @property
[docs] def decomposed_unit(self): """ Generates a new `Quantity` with the units decomposed. Decomposed units have only irreducible units in them (see `astropy.units.UnitBase.decompose`). Returns ------- newq : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` A new object equal to this quantity with units decomposed. """ return self._decomposed_unit(False)
def _decomposed_unit(self, allowscaledunits=False): """ Generates a new `Quantity` with the units decomposed. Decomposed units have only irreducible units in them (see `astropy.units.UnitBase.decompose`). Parameters ---------- allowscaledunits : bool If True, the resulting `Quantity` may have a scale factor associated with it. If False, any scaling in the unit will be subsumed into the value of the resulting `Quantity` Returns ------- newq : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` A new object equal to this quantity with units decomposed. """ newu = self.unit.decompose() newval = self.value if not allowscaledunits and hasattr(newu, 'scale'): newval *= newu.scale newu = newu / Unit(newu.scale) return Quantity(newval, newu)

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