Source code for astropy.units.equivalencies

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A set of standard astronomical equivalencies.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from .._constants import si as _si
from . import si
from . import cgs

__all__ = ['spectral', 'spectral_density']

[docs]def spectral(): """ Returns a list of equivalence pairs that handle spectral wavelength, frequency, and energy equivalences. Allows conversions between wavelength units, frequency units and energy units as they relate to light. """ return [ (si.m, si.Hz, lambda x: _si.c / x), (si.m, si.J, lambda x: (_si.c * _si.h) / x), (si.Hz, si.J, lambda x: _si.h * x) ]
[docs]def spectral_density(sunit, sfactor): """ Returns a list of equivalence pairs that handle spectral density with regard to wavelength and frequency. """ c_Aps = _si.c * 10 ** 10 flambda = cgs.erg / si.angstrom / ** 2 / si.s fnu = cgs.erg / si.Hz / ** 2 / si.s def converter(x): return x * (, sfactor, spectral()) ** 2 / c_Aps) def iconverter(x): return x / (, sfactor, spectral()) ** 2 / c_Aps) return [ (si.AA, fnu, converter, iconverter), (flambda, fnu, converter, iconverter), (si.AA, si.Hz, converter, iconverter), (flambda, si.Hz, converter, iconverter) ]

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