Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This package contains functions for reading and writing HDF5 tables that are
not meant to be used directly, but instead are available as readers/writers in
`astropy.table`. See :ref:`table_io` for more details.

from __future__ import print_function

import os

import numpy as np

from ... import log

HDF5_SIGNATURE = '\x89HDF\r\n\x1a\n'

__all__ = ['read_table_hdf5', 'write_table_hdf5']

def is_hdf5(origin, args, kwargs):

    if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
        if os.path.exists(args[0]):
            with open(args[0], 'rb') as f:
                if == HDF5_SIGNATURE:
                    return True
                    return False
        elif args[0].endswith('.hdf5') or args[0].endswith('.h5'):
            return True

        import h5py
    except ImportError:
        return False
        return isinstance(args[0], (h5py.highlevel.File, h5py.highlevel.Group))

[docs]def read_table_hdf5(input, path=None): """ Read a Table object from an HDF5 file This requires `h5py <>`_ to be installed. Parameters ---------- input : str or `h5py.highlevel.File` or `h5py.highlevel.Group` If a string, the filename to read the table from. If an h5py object, either the file or the group object to read the table from. path : str The path from which to read the table inside the HDF5 file. This should be relative to the input file or group. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise Exception("h5py is required to read and write HDF5 files") if path is None: raise ValueError("table path should be set via the path= argument") elif path.endswith('/'): raise ValueError("table path should end with table name, not /") if '/' in path: group, name = path.rsplit('/', 1) else: group, name = None, path if isinstance(input, (h5py.highlevel.File, h5py.highlevel.Group)): f, g = None, input if group: try: g = g[group] except KeyError: raise IOError("Group {0} does not exist".format(group)) else: f = h5py.File(input, 'r') try: g = f[group] if group else f except KeyError: raise IOError("Group {0} does not exist".format(group)) # Check whether table exists if name not in g.keys(): raise IOError("Table {0} does not exist".format(path)) # Read the table from the file dset = g[name] # Create a Table object from ...table import Table table = Table(np.array(dset)) # Read the meta-data from the file table.meta.update(dset.attrs) if f is not None: f.close() return table
[docs]def write_table_hdf5(table, output, path=None, compression=False, append=False, overwrite=False): """ Write a Table object to an HDF5 file This requires `h5py <>`_ to be installed. Parameters ---------- output : str or `h5py.highlevel.File` or `h5py.highlevel.Group` If a string, the filename to write the table to. If an h5py object, either the file or the group object to write the table to. compression : bool Whether to compress the table inside the HDF5 file. path : str The path to which to write the table inside the HDF5 file. This should be relative to the input file or group. append : bool Whether to append the table to an existing HDF5 file. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite any existing file without warning. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise Exception("h5py is required to read and write HDF5 files") if path is None: raise ValueError("table path should be set via the path= argument") elif path.endswith('/'): raise ValueError("table path should end with table name, not /") if '/' in path: group, name = path.rsplit('/', 1) else: group, name = None, path if isinstance(output, h5py.highlevel.File) or \ isinstance(output, h5py.highlevel.Group): f, g = None, output if group: try: g = g[group] except KeyError: g = g.create_group(group) else: if os.path.exists(output) and not append: if overwrite: os.remove(output) else: raise IOError("File exists: {0}".format(output)) # Open the file for appending or writing f = h5py.File(output, 'a' if append else 'w') if group: if append: if group in f.keys(): g = f[group] else: g = f.create_group(group) else: g = f.create_group(group) else: g = f # Check whether table already exists if name in g.keys(): raise IOError("Table {0} already exists".format(path)) # Write the table to the file dset = g.create_dataset(name, data=table._data, compression=compression) # Write the meta-data to the file for key in table.meta: if isinstance(table.meta[key], basestring): # Use np.string_ to ensure that fixed-length attributes are used. dset.attrs[key] = np.string_(table.meta[key]) else: try: dset.attrs[key] = table.meta[key] except TypeError: log.warn("Attribute `{0}` of type {1} cannot be written to " "HDF5 files - skipping".format(key, type(table.meta[key]))) if f is not None: f.close()

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