Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see PYFITS.rst

A package for reading and writing FITS files and manipulating their

A module for reading and writing Flexible Image Transport System
(FITS) files.  This file format was endorsed by the International
Astronomical Union in 1999 and mandated by NASA as the standard format
for storing high energy astrophysics data.  For details of the FITS
standard, see the NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology
publication, NOST 100-2.0.

from . import py3compat

from ...config import ConfigurationItem

# Set module-global boolean variables
# TODO: Make it possible to set these variables via environment variables
# again, once support for that is added to Astropy
    'enabled_record_valued_keyword_cards', True,
    'If True, enable support for record-valued keywords as described by '
    'FITS WCS Paper IV. Otherwise they are treated as normal keywords.')

    'extension_name_case_sensitive', False,
    'If True, extension names (i.e. the EXTNAME keyword) should be '
    'treated as case-sensitive.')

    'strip_header_whitespace', True,
    'If True, automatically remove trailing whitespace for string values in '
    'headers.  Otherwise the values are returned verbatim, with all '
    'whitespace intact.')

USE_MEMMAP = ConfigurationItem(
    'use_memmap', True,
    'If True, use memory-mapped file access to read/write the data in '
    'FITS files. This generally provides better performance, especially '
    'for large files, but may affect performance in I/O-heavy '

# Public API compatibility imports
# These need to come after the global config variables, as some of the
# submodules use them
from . import card
from . import column
from . import convenience
from . import hdu
from .card import *
from .column import *
from .convenience import *
from .diff import *
from .fitsrec import FITS_record, FITS_rec
from .hdu import *

from .hdu.groups import GroupData
from .hdu.hdulist import fitsopen as open
from .hdu.image import Section
from .hdu.table import new_table
from .header import Header
from .verify import VerifyError

__all__ = (card.__all__ + column.__all__ + convenience.__all__ +
           hdu.__all__ +
           ['FITS_record', 'FITS_rec', 'GroupData', 'open', 'Section',
            'new_table', 'Header', 'VerifyError',

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