Source code for astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

This module contains the implementations of specific coordinate systems
and the conversions between them.

import numpy as np

from .angles import Angle
from .coordsystems import SphericalCoordinatesBase
from ..time import Time
from . import transformations
from .. import units as u

__all__ = ['ICRSCoordinates', 'FK5Coordinates', 'FK4Coordinates',
           'FK4NoETermCoordinates', 'GalacticCoordinates', 'HorizontalCoordinates'

# The UTC time scale is not properly defined prior to 1960, so Time('B1950',
# scale='utc') will emit a warning. Instead, we use Time('B1950', scale='tai')
# which is equivalent, but does not emit a warning.
_EQUINOX_J2000 = Time('J2000', scale='utc')
_EQUINOX_B1950 = Time('B1950', scale='tai')

#<--------------Coordinate definitions; transformations are below-------------->
[docs]class ICRSCoordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in the ICRS. If you're looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren't sure if you want to use this or `FK5Coordinates`, you probably want to use ICRS. It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial system. Parameters ---------- {params} obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to ICRSCoordinates and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='ra', latnm='dec')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ICRSCoordinates, self).__init__() self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) self.ra = newcoord.ra self.dec = newcoord.dec self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(ICRSCoordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('ra', 'dec', True, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} RA={1:.5f} deg, Dec={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.ra.degrees, self.dec.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return self.ra
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.dec
[docs] def equinox(self): return _EQUINOX_J2000
[docs] def obstime(self): if self._obstime is None: return self.equinox else: return self._obstime
[docs]class FK5Coordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in the FK5 system. Parameters ---------- {params} equinox : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000. obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to `FK5Coordinates` and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='ra', latnm='dec')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FK5Coordinates, self).__init__() self._equinox = kwargs.pop('equinox', _EQUINOX_J2000) self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if not isinstance(self._equinox, Time): raise TypeError('specified equinox is not a Time object') if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) self.ra = newcoord.ra self.dec = newcoord.dec self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(FK5Coordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('ra', 'dec', True, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} RA={1:.5f} deg, Dec={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.ra.degrees, self.dec.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return self.ra
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.dec
[docs] def equinox(self): return self._equinox
[docs] def obstime(self): if self._obstime is None: return self.equinox else: return self._obstime
[docs] def precess_to(self, newequinox): """ Precesses the coordinates from their current `equinox` to a new equinox and returns the resulting coordinate. Parameters ---------- newequinox : `~astropy.time.Time` The equinox to precess these coordinates to. Returns ------- newcoord : FK5Coordinates The new coordinate """ from .earth_orientation import precession_matrix_Capitaine pmat = precession_matrix_Capitaine(self._equinox, newequinox) v = [self.x, self.y, self.z] x, y, z =, v) if self.distance is not None: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, unit=self.distance._unit, equinox=newequinox) else: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, equinox=newequinox)
[docs]class FK4Coordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in the FK4 system. Parameters ---------- {params} equinox : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to B1950. obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to `FK4Coordinates` and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='ra', latnm='dec')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FK4Coordinates, self).__init__() self._equinox = kwargs.pop('equinox', _EQUINOX_B1950) self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if not isinstance(self._equinox, Time): raise TypeError('specified equinox is not a Time object') if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) self.ra = newcoord.ra self.dec = newcoord.dec self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(FK4Coordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('ra', 'dec', True, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} RA={1:.5f} deg, Dec={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.ra.degrees, self.dec.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return self.ra
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.dec
[docs] def equinox(self): return self._equinox
[docs] def obstime(self): if self._obstime is None: return self.equinox else: return self._obstime
[docs] def precess_to(self, newequinox): """ Precesses the coordinates from their current `equinox` to a new equinox. Parameters ---------- newequinox : `~astropy.time.Time` The equinox to precess these coordinates to. Returns ------- newcoord : FK4Coordinates The new coordinate """ from .earth_orientation import _precession_matrix_besselian pmat = _precession_matrix_besselian(self._equinox.byear, newequinox.byear) v = [self.x, self.y, self.z] x, y, z =, v) if self.distance is not None: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, unit=self.distance._unit, equinox=newequinox) else: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, equinox=newequinox)
[docs]class FK4NoETermCoordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in the FK4 system. Parameters ---------- {params} equinox : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to B1950. obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to `FK4NoETermCoordinates` and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='ra', latnm='dec')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FK4NoETermCoordinates, self).__init__() self._equinox = kwargs.pop('equinox', _EQUINOX_B1950) self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if not isinstance(self._equinox, Time): raise TypeError('specified equinox is not a Time object') if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) self.ra = newcoord.ra self.dec = newcoord.dec self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(FK4NoETermCoordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('ra', 'dec', True, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} RA={1:.5f} deg, Dec={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.ra.degrees, self.dec.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return self.ra
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.dec
[docs] def equinox(self): return self._equinox
[docs] def obstime(self): if self._obstime is None: return self.equinox else: return self._obstime
[docs] def precess_to(self, newequinox): """ Precesses the coordinates from their current `equinox` to a new equinox. Parameters ---------- newequinox : `~astropy.time.Time` The equinox to precess these coordinates to. Returns ------- newcoord : FK4NoETermCoordinates The new coordinate """ from .earth_orientation import _precession_matrix_besselian pmat = _precession_matrix_besselian(self._equinox.byear, newequinox.byear) v = [self.x, self.y, self.z] x, y, z =, v) if self.distance is not None: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, unit=self.distance._unit, equinox=newequinox) else: return self.__class__(x=x, y=y, z=z, equinox=newequinox)
[docs]class GalacticCoordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates. .. note:: Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of Galactic Coordinates. See `Lie et al. 2011 <>` for more details on this. Here, we use the `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>` definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms. Parameters ---------- {params} obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to `GalacticCoordinates` and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='l', latnm='b')) # North galactic pole and zeropoint of l in FK4/FK5 coordinates. Needed for # transformations to/from FK4/5 # These are from Reid & Brunthaler 2004 _ngp_J2000 = FK5Coordinates(192.859508, 27.128336, unit=(, _lon0_J2000 = Angle(122.932, # These are from the IAU's definition of galactic coordinates _ngp_B1950 = FK4Coordinates(192.25, 27.4, unit=(, _lon0_B1950 = Angle(123, def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GalacticCoordinates, self).__init__() self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) self.l = newcoord.l self.b = newcoord.b self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(GalacticCoordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('l', 'b', False, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} l={1:.5f} deg, b={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.l.degrees, self.b.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return self.l
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.b
[docs]class HorizontalCoordinates(SphericalCoordinatesBase): """ A coordinate in the Horizontal or "az/el" system. Parameters ---------- {params} equinox : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000. obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken to be the same as the `equinox`. Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate can be provided, and will be converted to `HorizontalCoordinates` and used as this coordinate. """ __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ.format(lonnm='az', latnm='el')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HorizontalCoordinates, self).__init__() self._equinox = kwargs.pop('equinox', _EQUINOX_J2000) self._obstime = kwargs.pop('obstime', None) if not isinstance(self._equinox, Time): raise TypeError('specified equinox is not a Time object') if self._obstime is not None and not isinstance(self._obstime, Time): raise TypeError('specified obstime is not None or a Time object') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], SphericalCoordinatesBase): newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__) = self.el = newcoord.el self._distance = newcoord._distance else: super(HorizontalCoordinates, self)._initialize_latlon('az', 'el', False, args, kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.distance is not None: diststr = ', Distance={0:.2g} {1!s}'.format(self.distance._value, self.distance._unit) else: diststr = '' msg = "<{0} az={1:.5f} deg, el={2:.5f} deg{3}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.el.degrees, diststr) @property
[docs] def lonangle(self): return
[docs] def latangle(self): return self.el
[docs] def equinox(self): return self._equinox
[docs] def obstime(self): if self._obstime is None: return self.equinox else: return self._obstime #<--------------------------------transformations------------------------------> # ICRS to/from FK5
@transformations.static_transform_matrix(ICRSCoordinates, FK5Coordinates) def icrs_to_fk5(): """ B-matrix from USNO circular 179 """ from .angles import rotation_matrix eta0 = -19.9 / 3600000. xi0 = 9.1 / 3600000. da0 = -22.9 / 3600000. m1 = rotation_matrix(-eta0, 'x') m2 = rotation_matrix(xi0, 'y') m3 = rotation_matrix(da0, 'z') return m1 * m2 * m3 # can't be static because the equinox is needed @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(FK5Coordinates, ICRSCoordinates) def fk5_to_icrs(fk5c): from .earth_orientation import _precess_from_J2000_Capitaine pmat = _precess_from_J2000_Capitaine(fk5c.equinox.jyear).T # transpose gets equinox -> J2000 fk5toicrsmat = icrs_to_fk5().T return fk5toicrsmat * pmat # FK4-NO-E to/from FK4 # In the present framework, we include two coordinate classes for FK4 # coordinates - one including the E-terms of aberration (FK4Coordinates), and # one not including them (FK4NoETermCoordinates). In the following functions, # we describe the transformation between these two. def fk4_e_terms(equinox): """ Return the e-terms of aberation vector Parameters ---------- equinox : Time object The equinox for which to compute the e-terms """ from . import earth_orientation as earth # Constant of aberration at J2000 k = 0.0056932 # Eccentricity of the Earth's orbit e = earth.eccentricity(equinox.jd) e = np.radians(e) # Mean longitude of perigee of the solar orbit g = earth.mean_lon_of_perigee(equinox.jd) g = np.radians(g) # Obliquity of the ecliptic o = earth.obliquity(equinox.jd, algorithm=1980) o = np.radians(o) return e * k * np.sin(g), \ -e * k * np.cos(g) * np.cos(o), \ -e * k * np.cos(g) * np.sin(o) @transformations.transform_function(FK4Coordinates, FK4NoETermCoordinates, priority=1) def fk4_to_fk4_no_e(fk4c): # Extract cartesian vector r = np.array([fk4c.x, fk4c.y, fk4c.z]) # Find distance (for re-normalization) d_orig = np.sqrt(np.sum(r ** 2)) # Apply E-terms of aberration eterms_a = fk4_e_terms(fk4c.equinox) r = r - eterms_a +, eterms_a) * r # Find new distance (for re-normalization) d_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(r ** 2)) # Renormalize r = r * d_orig / d_new unit = None if fk4c.distance is None else fk4c.distance._unit result = FK4NoETermCoordinates(x=r[0], y=r[1], z=r[2], unit=unit, equinox=fk4c.equinox) return result @transformations.transform_function(FK4NoETermCoordinates, FK4Coordinates, priority=1) def fk4_no_e_to_fk4(fk4c): # Extract cartesian vector r = np.array([fk4c.x, fk4c.y, fk4c.z]) # Find distance (for re-normalization) d_orig = np.sqrt(np.sum(r ** 2)) # Apply E-terms of aberration eterms_a = fk4_e_terms(fk4c.equinox) r0 = r.copy() for j in range(10): r = (r0 + eterms_a) / (1. +, eterms_a)) # Find new distance (for re-normalization) d_new = np.sqrt(np.sum(r ** 2)) # Renormalize r = r * d_orig / d_new unit = None if fk4c.distance is None else fk4c.distance._unit result = FK4Coordinates(x=r[0], y=r[1], z=r[2], unit=unit, equinox=fk4c.equinox) return result # FK5 to/from FK4 # These transformations are very slightly prioritized >1 (lower priority number means # better path) to prefer the FK5 path over FK4 when possible #can't be static because the equinox is needed # B1950->J2000 matrix from Murray 1989 A&A 218,325 eqn 28 B1950_TO_J2000_M = \ np.mat([[0.9999256794956877, -0.0111814832204662, -0.0048590038153592], [0.0111814832391717, 0.9999374848933135, -0.0000271625947142], [0.0048590037723143, -0.0000271702937440, 0.9999881946023742]]) FK4_CORR = \ np.mat([[-0.0026455262, -1.1539918689, +2.1111346190], [+1.1540628161, -0.0129042997, +0.0236021478], [-2.1112979048, -0.0056024448, +0.0102587734]]) * 1.e-6 # This transformation can't be static because the observation date is needed. @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(FK4NoETermCoordinates, FK5Coordinates, priority=1) def fk4_no_e_to_fk5(fk4c, skip_precession=False): # Add in correction terms for FK4 rotating system - Murray 89 eqn 29 # Note this is *julian century*, not besselian T = (fk4c.obstime.jyear - 1950.) / 100. B = B1950_TO_J2000_M + FK4_CORR * T # If equinox is not B1950, need to precess first if skip_precession or fk4c.equinox == _EQUINOX_B1950: return B else: from .earth_orientation import _precession_matrix_besselian return B * _precession_matrix_besselian(fk4c.equinox.byear, 1950) # This transformation can't be static because the observation date is needed. @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(FK5Coordinates, FK4NoETermCoordinates, priority=1) def fk5_to_fk4_no_e(fk5c): # Get transposed matrix from FK4 -> FK5 assuming equinox B1950 -> J2000 B = fk4_no_e_to_fk5(fk5c, skip_precession=True).T # If equinox is not B1950, need to precess first if fk5c.equinox == _EQUINOX_J2000: return B else: from .earth_orientation import precession_matrix_Capitaine return B * precession_matrix_Capitaine(fk5c.equinox, _EQUINOX_J2000) # GalacticCoordinates to/from FK4/FK5 # can't be static because the equinox is needed @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(FK5Coordinates, GalacticCoordinates) def _fk5_to_gal(fk5coords): from .angles import rotation_matrix from .earth_orientation import _precess_from_J2000_Capitaine # needed mainly to support inverse from galactic jequinox = 2000 if fk5coords.equinox is None else fk5coords.equinox.jyear mat1 = rotation_matrix(180 - GalacticCoordinates._lon0_J2000.degrees, 'z') mat2 = rotation_matrix(90 - GalacticCoordinates._ngp_J2000.dec.degrees, 'y') mat3 = rotation_matrix(GalacticCoordinates._ngp_J2000.ra.degrees, 'z') # transpose gets equinox -> J2000 matprec = _precess_from_J2000_Capitaine(jequinox).T return mat1 * mat2 * mat3 * matprec @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(GalacticCoordinates, FK5Coordinates) def _gal_to_fk5(galcoords): return _fk5_to_gal(galcoords).T @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(FK4NoETermCoordinates, GalacticCoordinates, priority=1) def _fk4_to_gal(fk4coords): from .angles import rotation_matrix from .earth_orientation import _precession_matrix_besselian # needed mainly to support inverse from galactic bequinox = 1950 if fk4coords.equinox is None else fk4coords.equinox.byear mat1 = rotation_matrix(180 - GalacticCoordinates._lon0_B1950.degrees, 'z') mat2 = rotation_matrix(90 - GalacticCoordinates._ngp_B1950.dec.degrees, 'y') mat3 = rotation_matrix(GalacticCoordinates._ngp_B1950.ra.degrees, 'z') matprec = _precession_matrix_besselian(bequinox, 1950) return mat1 * mat2 * mat3 * matprec @transformations.dynamic_transform_matrix(GalacticCoordinates, FK4NoETermCoordinates, priority=1) def _gal_to_fk4(galcoords): return _fk4_to_gal(galcoords).T def _make_transform_graph_docs(): """ Generates a string for use with the coordinate package's docstring to show the available transforms and coordinate systems """ from inspect import isclass from textwrap import dedent from .transformations import master_transform_graph coosys = [item for item in globals().values() if isclass(item) and issubclass(item, SphericalCoordinatesBase)] coosys.remove(SphericalCoordinatesBase) graphstr = master_transform_graph.to_dot_graph(addnodes=coosys) docstr = """ The diagram below shows all of the coordinate systems built into the `~astropy.coordinates` package, their aliases (usable for converting other coordinates to them using attribute-style access) and the pre-defined transformations between them. The user is free to override any of these transformations by defining new trasnformation between these systems, but the pre-defined transformations should be sufficient for typical usage. The graph also indicates the priority for each transformation as a number next to the arrow. These priorities are used to decide the preferred order when two trasnformation paths have the same number of steps. These priorities are defined such that path with a *smaller* total priority are favored over larger. E.g., the path from `ICRSCoordinates` to `GalacticCoordinates` goes through `FK5Coordinates` because the total path length is 2 instead of 2.03. .. graphviz:: """ return dedent(docstr) + ' ' + graphstr.replace('\n', '\n ') _transform_graph_docs = _make_transform_graph_docs()

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