Source code for astropy.coordinates.angles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

This module contains the fundamental classes used for representing
coordinates in astropy.

import math

import numpy as np

from . import angle_utilities as util
from .errors import *
from .. import units as u
from ..utils.compat.odict import OrderedDict

__all__ = ['Angle', 'RA', 'Dec', 'AngularSeparation']

TWOPI = math.pi * 2.0  # no need to calculate this all the time

#used in Angle initializer to convert various strings into their parseable forms
_unitstrmap = OrderedDict([
   ("degrees", 'd'),
   ("degree", 'd'),
   ("deg", 'd'),
   ("°", 'd'),
   ("hours", 'h'),
   ("hour", 'h'),
   ("hr", 'h'),
   ("radians", ''),
   ("radian", ''),
   ("rad", ''),
   ("d", 'd'),
   ("h", 'h')])

[docs]class Angle(object): """ An angle. An angle can be specified either as a float, tuple (see below), or string. If A string, it must be in one of the following formats: * '1:2:3.4' * '1 2 3.4' * '1h2m3.4s' * '1d2m3.4s' Parameters ---------- angle : float, int, str, tuple The angle value. If a tuple, will be interpreted as (h, m s) or (d, m, s) depending on `unit`. If a string, it will be interpreted following the rules described above. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str The unit of the value specified for the angle. This may be any string that `~astropy.units.Unit` understands, but it is better to give an actual unit object. Must be one of ``, `~astropy.units.radian`, or `~astropy.units.hour`. bounds : tuple A tuple indicating the upper and lower value that the new angle object may have. Raises ------ `~astropy.coordinates.errors.UnitsError` If a unit is not provided or it is not hour, radian, or degree. """ def __init__(self, angle, unit=None, bounds=(-360, 360)): from ..utils import isiterable self._bounds = bounds if isinstance(angle, Angle): angle = angle.radians unit = u.radian self.is_array = (isiterable(angle) and not isinstance(angle, basestring) and not isinstance(angle, tuple)) # short circuit arrays for now if self.is_array: raise NotImplementedError("Angles as arrays are not yet supported.") # ------------------------------- # unit validation and angle value # ------------------------------- if isinstance(unit, u.UnitBase): pass elif isinstance(unit, basestring): unit = u.Unit(unit) elif unit is None: # try to determine unit from the "angle" value if self.is_array: # this is currently unreachable, but in principal should work when arrays are added in the future try: angle = [x.lower() for x in angle] except AttributeError: # If units are not specified as a parameter, the only chance # to determine them is in a string value - if it's not a string, # then there's not enough information to create an Angle. raise UnitsError("Could not parse an angle value in the array provided" "- units could not be determined.".format(angle[idx])) for idx, a in enumerate(angle): a_unit = None # order is important here - longest name first for unitStr in ["degrees", "degree", "deg", "°"]: if unitStr in a: a_unit = u.radian a = angle.replace(unitStr, "") angle[idx] = math.radians(util.parse_degrees(a)) break if unit is None: for unitStr in ["hours", "hour", "hr"]: if unitStr in a: a_unit = u.radian a = angle.replace(unitStr, "") angle[idx] = math.radians(util.parse_hours(a) * 15.) break if unit is None: for unitStr in ["radians", "radian", "rad"]: if unitStr in angle: a_unit = u.radian a = angle.replace(unitStr, "") angle[idx] = util.parse_radians(a) break if a_unit is None: raise UnitsError('Could not parse the angle value "{0}" ' '- units could not be determined.'.format(angle[idx])) unit = u.radian else: # single value if isinstance(angle, basestring): inputangle = angle angle = angle.lower().strip() for fromstr, tostr in _unitstrmap.iteritems(): if fromstr in angle: angle = angle.replace(fromstr, tostr) if tostr == "h": unit = u.hour # this is for "1:2:3.4 hours" case if angle[-1] == 'h': angle = angle[:-1] elif tostr == "d": unit = # this is for "1:2:3.4 degrees" case if angle[-1] == 'd': angle = angle[:-1] elif tostr == "": unit = u.radian else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized tostr... this should never happen!') break else: raise UnitsError('Could not infer Angle units ' 'from provided string "{0}"'.format(inputangle)) else: raise UnitsError('Requested unit "{0}" for Angle, which could not be ' 'interpreted as a unit - should be a string or astropy.units ' 'unit object'.format(unit)) if unit is None: raise UnitsError("No unit was specified in Angle initializer; the " "unit parameter should be an object from the astropy.units " "module (e.g. 'from astropy import units as u', then use " "'').") if self.is_array: pass # already performed conversions to radians above else: if unit is self._radians = math.radians(util.parse_degrees(angle)) elif unit is u.radian: self._radians = float(angle) elif unit is u.hour: self._radians = util.hours_to_radians(util.parse_hours(angle)) else: raise UnitsError("The unit value provided was not one of, u.hour, u.radian'.") # --------------- # bounds checking # --------------- # TODO: handle arrays # handle bounds units, convert to radians if bounds == None: pass # no range checking performed else: try: if unit is u.radian: lower_bound = bounds[0] upper_bound = bounds[1] elif unit is lower_bound = math.radians(bounds[0]) upper_bound = math.radians(bounds[1]) elif unit is u.hour: lower_bound = math.radians(bounds[0] * 15.) upper_bound = math.radians(bounds[1] * 15.) # invalid units handled above except TypeError: raise TypeError("Bounds specified for Angle must be a two element list, " "e.g. [0,360] (was given '{0}').".format(type(bounds).__name__)) # bounds check if lower_bound < self._radians < upper_bound: pass # looks good else: if self._radians > upper_bound: while True: self._radians -= TWOPI if self._radians < lower_bound: raise BoundsError("The angle given falls outside of the specified bounds.") elif lower_bound < self._radians < upper_bound: break if self._radians < lower_bound: while True: self._radians += TWOPI if self._radians > upper_bound: raise BoundsError("The angle given falls outside of the specified bounds.") elif lower_bound < self._radians < upper_bound: break @property
[docs] def bounds(self): """" The angle's bounds, an immutable property. """ return self._bounds
[docs] def degrees(self): """ The angle's value in degrees (read-only property). """ return math.degrees(self.radians) # converts radians to degrees
[docs] def radians(self): """ The angle's value in radians (read-only property). """ return self._radians
[docs] def hours(self): """ The angle's value in hours (read-only property). """ return util.radians_to_hours(self.radians)
[docs] def hms(self): """ The angle's value in hours, and print as an (h,m,s) tuple (read-only property). """ return util.radians_to_hms(self.radians)
[docs] def dms(self): """ The angle's value in degrees, and print as an (d,m,s) tuple (read-only property). """ return util.radians_to_dms(self.radians)
[docs] def format(self,, decimal=False, sep='fromunit', precision=5, alwayssign=False, pad=False): """ A string representation of the angle. Parameters ---------- units : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` Specifies the units, should be 'degree', 'hour', or 'radian' decimal : bool If True, a decimal respresentation will be used, otherwise the returned string will be in sexagesimal form. sep : str The separator between numbers in a sexagesimal representation. E.g., if it is ':', the result is "12:41:11.1241". Also accepts 2 or 3 separators. E.g., ``sep='hms'`` would give the result "12h41m11.1241s", or sep='-:' would yield "11-21:17.124". Alternatively, the special string 'fromunit' means 'dms' if the unit is degrees, or 'hms' if the unit is hours. precision : int The level of decimal precision. if `decimal` is True, this is the raw precision, otherwise it gives the precision of the last place of the sexagesimal representation (seconds). alwayssign : bool If True, include the sign no matter what. If False, only include the sign if it is necessary (negative). pad : bool If True, include leading zeros when needed to ensure a fixed number of characters for sexagesimal representation. Returns ------- strrepr : str A string representation of the angle. """ unit = u.Unit(unit) if unit is if decimal: res = ("{0:0." + str(precision) + "}").format(self.degrees) else: if sep == 'fromunit': sep = 'dms' res = util.degrees_to_string(self.degrees, precision=precision, sep=sep, pad=pad) elif unit is u.radian: if decimal: res = ("{0:0." + str(precision) + "}").format(self.radians) elif sep == 'fromunit': res = ("{0:0." + str(precision) + "}").format(self.radians) + 'radian' else: raise ValueError('Radians cannot be in sexagesimal representation') elif unit is u.hour: if decimal: res = ("{0:0." + str(precision) + "}").format(self.hours) else: if sep == 'fromunit': sep = 'hms' res = util.hours_to_string(self.hours, precision=precision, sep=sep, pad=pad) else: raise UnitsError("The unit value provided was not one of, u.hour, u.radian'.") if alwayssign and not res.startswith('-'): return '+' + res else: return res
def __str__(self): return self.format() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Emulating numeric types # ----------------------- # Ref: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): if self.bounds != other.bounds: msg = "Can't add angles because bounds don't match: {0} and {1}" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.bounds, other.bounds)) else: return Angle(self.radians + other.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=self.bounds) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be added to another " "{0} object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) # Subtraction def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): if self.bounds != other.bounds: msg = "Can't add angles because bounds don't match: {0} and {1}" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.bounds, other.bounds)) else: return Angle(self.radians - other.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=self.bounds) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be subtracted from another " "{0} object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): if self.bounds != other.bounds: msg = "Can't add angles because bounds don't match: {0} and {1}" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.bounds, other.bounds)) else: return Angle(other.radians - self.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=self.bounds) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be subtracted from another " "{0} object.".format(type(self).__name__)) # Multiplication def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): raise NotImplementedError("Multiplication is not supported between two {0} " "objects ".format(type(self).__name__)) elif type(other) in [float, int]: return Angle(self.radians * other, unit=u.radian) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be multiplied by a float or integer.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) # Division def __div__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): raise NotImplementedError("Division is not supported between two {0} " "objects.".format(type(self).__name__)) elif type(other) in [float, int]: return Angle(self.radians / other, unit=u.radian) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be divided by a float or integer.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __rdiv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): raise NotImplementedError("Division is not supported between two {0} " "objects.".format(type(self).__name__)) elif type(other) in [float, int]: return Angle(other / self.radians, unit=u.radian) else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be divided by a float or integer.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __truediv__(self, other): return self.__div__(other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self.__rdiv__(other) # other operations def __neg__(self): return Angle(-self.radians, unit=u.radian) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Angle): return self.radians == other.radians if other == None: return False else: raise NotImplementedError("To compare {0} objects, compare their " "float values directly.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __ne__(self, other): # return not self.radians == other.radians return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.radians < other.radians else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be compared to another {0} " "object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.radians > other.radians else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be compared to another {0} " "object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.radians >= other.radians else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be compared to another {0} " "object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.radians <= other.radians else: raise NotImplementedError("An {0} object can only be compared to another {0} " "object.".format(type(self).__name__)) def __abs__(self): return Angle(abs(self.radians), unit=u.radian) def __repr__(self): return "<{0} {1:.5f} deg>".format(type(self).__name__, self.degrees)
[docs]class RA(Angle): """ An object that represents a right ascension angle. This object can be created from a numeric value along with a unit. If the value specified is greater than "24", then a unit of degrees is assumed. Bounds are fixed to [0,360] degrees. Parameters ---------- angle : float, int, str, tuple The angle value. If a tuple, will be interpreted as (h, m s) or (d, m, s) depending on `unit`. If a string, it will be interpreted following the rules described above. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str The unit of the value specified for the angle. This may be any string that `~astropy.units.Unit` understands, but it is better to give an actual unit object. Must be one of ``, `~astropy.units.radian`, or `~astropy.units.hour`. Raises ------ `~astropy.coordinates.errors.UnitsError` If a unit is not provided or it is not hour, radian, or degree. """ def __init__(self, angle, unit=None): super(RA, self).__init__(angle, unit=unit, bounds=(0, 360)) # The initializer as originally conceived allowed the unit to be unspecified # if it's bigger than 24, because hours typically aren't past 24. # It is also then implicit that `RA` is usually in hours. # This is commented out for now because in discussion for v0.2 we decided to # keep things simple and just use the same behavior as Angle. # In v0.3 it may be either uncommented, # moved somewhere else, or eliminated completely # TODO: decide if this should stay in or permanently be removed # # def __init__(self, angle, unit=None): # # # This block attempts to determine the validity of the unit, # # particularly with regard to the specifics of RA. # # After this block, the normal Angle initializer handles most of the # # validation/creation. # # if isinstance(angle, Angle): # return super(RA, self).__init__(angle.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=(0, 360)) # # if unit is u.hour: # pass # to Angle initializer # # self._radians = math.radians(decimal_hours * 15.) # elif unit is # pass # to Angle initializer # # decimal_degrees = util.parse_degrees(angle) # # self._radians = math.radians(decimal_degrees) # elif unit is u.radian: # pass # to Angle initializer # # self._radians = util.parse_radians(angle) # # # elif unit is None: # # Try to figure out the unit if we can. # if isinstance(angle, float) or isinstance(angle, int): # if angle > 24: # unit = # else: # raise UnitsError("No units were specified, and the angle value was ambiguous between hours and degrees.") # elif isinstance(angle, basestring): # # Try to deduce the units from hints in the string. # # Further, enforce absolute bounds here, i.e. don't let # # Angle +-2π to see if the angle falls in the bounds. # if "d" in angle or "°" in angle: # # If in the form "12d32m53s", look for the "d" and assume degrees. # angle = math.radians(util.parse_degrees(angle)) # if 0 < angle < TWOPI: # unit = u.radian # else: # raise RangeError("The provided angle was assumed to be in degrees, but was out of the range (0,360) degrees.") # elif "h" in angle: # # Same for "12h32m53s" for hours. # # self._radians = math.radians(util.parse_hours(angle)*15.0) # unit = u.hour # else: # # could be in a form: "54:43:26" - # # if so AND the resulting decimal value is > 24 or < -24, assume degrees # decimal_value = util.parse_degrees(angle) # if decimal_value > 24: # unit = # elif 0 <= decimal_value <= 24.0: # raise UnitsError("No units were specified, and the angle value was ambiguous between hours and degrees.") # elif decimal_value < 0: # raise RangeError("No units were specified; could not assume any since the value was less than zero.") # elif isinstance(angle, tuple): # if len(angle) == 3 and 0 <= angle[0] < 24.0: # raise UnitsError("No units were specified, and the angle value was ambiguous between hours and degrees.") # else: # unit = # else: # raise ValueError("Angle values of type {0} not supported.".format(type(angle).__name__)) # # if unit is None: # raise UnitsError("Units must be specified for RA, one of, u.hour, or u.radian.") # # # By here, the unit should be defined. # super(RA, self).__init__(angle, unit=unit, bounds=(0, 360))
[docs] def hour_angle(self, lst): """ Computes the hour angle for this RA given a local sidereal time (LST). Parameters ---------- lst : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, `~astropy.time.Time` A local sidereal time (LST). Returns ------- hour_angle : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle` The hour angle for this RA at the LST `lst`. """ if hasattr(lst, 'mjd'): lst = Angle(np.remainder(lst.mjd, 1), unit=u.hour) return Angle(lst.radians - self.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=(0, TWOPI))
[docs] def lst(self, hour_angle): """ Calculates the local sidereal time (LST) if this RA is at a particular hour angle. Parameters ---------- hour_angle : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle` An hour angle. Returns ------- lst : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle` The local siderial time as an angle. """ return Angle(hour_angle.radians + self.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=(0, TWOPI))
[docs]class Dec(Angle): """ Represents a declination value. This object can be created from a numeric value along with a unit, or else a string in any commonly represented format, e.g. "12 43 23.53", "-32d52m29s". Unless otherwise specified via the 'unit' parameter, degrees are assumed. Bounds are fixed to [-90,90] degrees. Parameters ---------- angle : float, int, str, tuple The angle value. If a tuple, will be interpreted as (h, m s) or (d, m, s) depending on `unit`. If a string, it will be interpreted following the rules described above. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str The unit of the value specified for the angle. This may be any string that `~astropy.units.Unit` understands, but it is better to give an actual unit object. Must be one of ``, `~astropy.units.radian`, or `~astropy.units.hour`. bounds : tuple A tuple indicating the upper and lower value that the new angle object may have. Raises ------ `~astropy.coordinates.errors.UnitsError` If a unit is not provided or it is not hour, radian, or degree. """ def __init__(self, angle, unit=None): super(Dec, self).__init__(angle, unit=unit, bounds=(-90, 90)) # TODO: do here whatever is decided for the "smart" RA initializer above # # def __init__(self, angle, # super(RA, self).__init__(angle, unit=unit, bounds=(0, 360)) # # if isinstance(angle, Angle): # return super(Dec, self).__init__(angle.radians, unit=u.radian, bounds=(-90, 90)) # # super(Dec, self).__init__(angle, unit=unit, bounds=(-90, 90))
[docs]class AngularSeparation(Angle): """ An on-sky separation between two directions. .. note:: This is computed using the Vincenty great circle distance formula, and hence should be numerically stable even for near antipodal points. Parameters ---------- lat1 : float The value of the first latitudinal/elevation angle. lon1 : float The value of the first longitudinal/azimuthal angle. lat2 : float The value of the second latitudinal/elevation angle. lon2 : float The value of the second longitudinal/azimuthal angle. units : `~astropy.units` The units of the given angles. """ def __init__(self, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, units): units = u.Unit(units) lat1 =, lat1) if 0 == lon1 == lat2 == lon2: sepval = lat1 else: lon1 =, lon1) lat2 =, lat2) lon2 =, lon2) sepval = util.vincenty_sphere_dist(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) super(AngularSeparation, self).__init__(sepval, u.radian) def __add__(self, other): raise TypeError('+ is ambiguous for AngularSeparation objects; not supported') def __radd__(self, other): raise TypeError('+ is ambiguous for AngularSeparation objects; not supported') def __sub__(self, other): raise TypeError('- is ambiguous for AngularSeparation objects; not supported') def __rsub__(self, other): raise TypeError('- is ambiguous for AngularSeparation objects; not supported') @property
[docs] def arcmins(self): """ The value of this separation in arcminutes. """ return self.degrees * 60.
[docs] def arcsecs(self): """ The value of this separation in arcseconds. """ return self.degrees * 3600. #<----------------------------------Rotations---------------------------------->
def rotation_matrix(angle, axis='z', degrees=True): """ Generate a 3x3 cartesian rotation matrix in for rotation about a particular axis. Parameters ---------- angle : scalar The amount of rotation this matrix should represent. In degrees if `degrees` is True, otherwise radians. axis : str or 3-sequence Either 'x','y', 'z', or a (x,y,z) specifying an axis to rotate about. If 'x','y', or 'z', the rotation sense is counterclockwise looking down the + axis (e.g. positive rotations obey left-hand-rule). degrees : bool If True the input angle is degrees, otherwise radians. Returns ------- rmat: `numpy.matrix` A unitary rotation matrix. """ from math import sin, cos, radians, sqrt if degrees: angle = radians(angle) if axis == 'z': s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) return np.matrix(((c, s, 0), (-s, c, 0), (0, 0, 1))) elif axis == 'y': s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) return np.matrix(((c, 0, -s), (0, 1, 0), (s, 0, c))) elif axis == 'x': s = sin(angle) c = cos(angle) return np.matrix(((1, 0, 0), (0, c, s), (0, -s, c))) else: x, y, z = axis w = cos(angle / 2) # normalize if w == 1: x = y = z = 0 else: l = sqrt((x * x + y * y + z * z) / (1 - w * w)) x /= l y /= l z /= l wsq = w * w xsq = x * x ysq = y * y zsq = z * z return np.matrix(((wsq + xsq - ysq - zsq, 2 * x * y - 2 * w * z, 2 * x * z + 2 * w * y), (2 * x * y + 2 * w * z, wsq - xsq + ysq - zsq, 2 * y * z - 2 * w * x), (2 * x * z - 2 * w * y, 2 * y * z + 2 * w * x, wsq - xsq - ysq + zsq))) def angle_axis(matrix, degrees=True): """ Computes the angle of rotation and the rotation axis for a given rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like A 3 x 3 unitary rotation matrix. degrees : bool If True, output is in degrees. Returns ------- angle : scalar The angle of rotation for this matrix. In degrees if `degrees is True, otherwise radians. axis : array (length 3) The axis of rotation for this matrix. """ from math import sin, cos, acos, degrees, sqrt m = np.asmatrix(matrix) if m.shape != (3, 3): raise ValueError('matrix is not 3x3') angle = acos((m[0, 0] + m[1, 1] + m[2, 2] - 1) / 2) denom = sqrt(2 * ((m[2, 1] - m[1, 2]) + (m[0, 2] - m[2, 0]) + (m[1, 0] - m[0, 1]))) axis = np.array((m[2, 1] - m[1, 2], m[0, 2] - m[2, 0], m[1, 0] - m[0, 1])) / denom axis /= sqrt(np.sum(axis ** 2)) if degrees: return degrees(angle), axis else: return angle, axis

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