Source code for astropy.config.configuration

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This module contains classes and functions to standardize access to
configuration files for Astropy and affiliated packages.

.. note::
    The configuration system makes use of the 'configobj' package, which stores
    configuration in a text format like that used in the standard library
    `ConfigParser`. More information and documentation for configobj can be
    found at

from __future__ import division
import textwrap
from ..extern.configobj import configobj, validate
from contextlib import contextmanager

__all__ = ['ConfigurationItem', 'InvalidConfigurationItemWarning',
           'ConfigurationMissingWarning', 'get_config', 'save_config',

[docs]class InvalidConfigurationItemWarning(Warning): """ A Warning that is issued when the configuration value specified in the astropy configuration file does not match the type expected for that configuration value. """
[docs]class ConfigurationMissingWarning(Warning): """ A Warning that is issued when the configuration directory cannot be accessed (usually due to a permissions problem). If this warning appears, configuration items will be set to their defaults rather than read from the configuration file, and no configuration will persist across sessions. """
[docs]class ConfigurationItem(object): """ A setting and associated value stored in the astropy configuration files. These objects are typically defined at the top of astropy subpackages or affiliated packages, and store values or option settings that can be modified by the user to Parameters ---------- name : str The (case-sensitive) name of this parameter, as shown in the configuration file. defaultvalue The default value for this item. If this is a list of strings, this item will be interpreted as an 'options' value - this item must be one of those values, and the first in the list will be taken as the default value. description : str or None A description of this item (will be shown as a comment in the configuration file) cfgtype : str or None A type specifier like those used as the *values* of a particular key in a `configspec` file of `configobj`. If None, the type will be inferred from the default value. module : str or None The full module name that this item is associated with. The first element (e.g. 'astropy' if this is 'astropy.config.configuration') will be used to determine the name of the configuration file, while the remaining items determine the section. If None, the package will be inferred from the package within whiich this object's initializer is called. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `module` is None, but the module this item is created from cannot be determined. Examples -------- The following example will create an item 'cfgoption = 42' in the '[configuration]' section of astropy.cfg (located in the directory that `astropy.config.paths.get_config_dir` returns), or if the option is already set, it will take the value from the configuration file:: from astropy.config import ConfigurationItem CFG_OPTION = ConfigurationItem('cfgoption',42,module='astropy.configuration') If called as ``CFG_OPTION()``, this will return the value ``42``, or some other integer if the ``astropy.cfg`` file specifies a different value. If this were a file ``astropy/configuration/``, the `module` option would not be necessary, as it would automatically detect the correct module. """ #this is used to make validation faster so a Validator object doesn't #have to be created every time _validator = validate.Validator() def __init__(self, name, defaultvalue='', description=None, cfgtype=None, module=None): from warnings import warn from ..utils import find_current_module if module is None: module = find_current_module(2) if module is None: msg1 = 'Cannot automatically determine get_config module, ' msg2 = 'because it is not called from inside a valid module' raise RuntimeError(msg1 + msg2) else: module = module.__name__ = name self.module = module self.description = description #now determine cfgtype if it is not given if cfgtype is None: if isinstance(defaultvalue, list): #it is an options list dvstr = [str(v) for v in defaultvalue] cfgtype = 'option(' + ', '.join(dvstr) + ')' defaultvalue = dvstr[0] elif isinstance(defaultvalue, bool): cfgtype = 'boolean' elif isinstance(defaultvalue, int): cfgtype = 'integer' elif isinstance(defaultvalue, float): cfgtype = 'float' else: cfgtype = 'string' defaultvalue = str(defaultvalue) self.cfgtype = cfgtype self._validate_val(defaultvalue) self.defaultvalue = defaultvalue #note that the actual value is stored in the ConfigObj file for this #package #this checks the current value to make sure it's valid for the type #as well as updating the ConfigObj with the default value, if it's not #actually in the ConfigObj try: self() except TypeError as e: # make sure it's a TypeError from __call__ if 'Configuration value not valid:' in e.args[0]: warn(InvalidConfigurationItemWarning(*e.args)) else: raise
[docs] def set(self, value): """ Sets the current value of this `ConfigurationItem`. This also updates the comments that give the description and type information. .. note:: This does *not* save the value of this `ConfigurationItem` to the configuration file. To do that, use `` or `save_config`. Parameters ---------- value The value this item should be set to. Raises ------ TypeError If the provided `value` is not valid for this `ConfigurationItem`. """ try: value = self._validate_val(value) except validate.ValidateError as e: msg = 'Provided value for configuration item {0} not valid: {1}' raise TypeError(msg.format(, e.args[0])) sec = get_config(self.module) sec[] = value sec.comments[] = self._generate_comments()
[docs] def set_temp(self, value): """ Sets this item to a specified value only inside a while loop. Use as:: ITEM = ConfigurationItem('ITEM', 'default', 'description') with ITEM.set_temp('newval'): ... do something that wants ITEM's value to be 'newval' ... # ITEM is now 'default' after the with block Parameters ---------- value The value to set this item to inside the with block. """ initval = self() self.set(value) yield self.set(initval)
[docs] def save(self, value=None): """ Writes a value for this `ConfigurationItem` to the relevant configuration file. This also writes updated versions of the comments that give the description and type information. .. note:: This only saves the value of this *particular* `ConfigurationItem`. To save all configuration settings for this package at once, see `save_config`. Parameters ---------- value Save this value to the configuration file. If None, the current value of this `ConfigurationItem` will be saved. Raises ------ TypeError If the provided `value` is not valid for this `ConfigurationItem`. """ try: value = self() if value is None else self._validate_val(value) except validate.ValidateError as e: msg = 'Provided value for configuration item {0} not valid: {1}' raise TypeError(msg.format(, e.args[0])) #Now find the ConfigObj that this is based on baseobj = get_config(self.module) secname = cobj = baseobj #a ConfigObj's parent is itself, so we look for the parent with that while cobj.parent is not cobj: cobj = cobj.parent #use the current on disk version, which will be modified with the #given value and type/description newobj = configobj.ConfigObj(cobj.filename, interpolation=False) if secname is not None: if secname not in newobj: newobj[secname] = {} newsec = newobj[secname] newsec[] = value newsec.comments[] = self._generate_comments() newobj.write()
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reloads the value of this `ConfigurationItem` from the relevant configuration file. Returns ------- val The new value loaded from the configuration file. """ baseobj = get_config(self.module) secname = cobj = baseobj #a ConfigObj's parent is itself, so we look for the parent with that while cobj.parent is not cobj: cobj = cobj.parent newobj = configobj.ConfigObj(cobj.filename, interpolation=False) if secname is not None: newobj = newobj[secname] baseobj[] = newobj[]
def __call__(self): """ Returns the value of this `ConfigurationItem` Returns ------- val This item's value, with a type determined by the `cfgtype` attribute. Raises ------ TypeError If the configuration value as stored is not this item's type. """ #get the value from the relevant `configobj.ConfigObj` object sec = get_config(self.module) if not in sec: self.set(self.defaultvalue) val = sec[] try: return self._validate_val(val) except validate.ValidateError as e: raise TypeError('Configuration value not valid:' + e.args[0]) def _validate_val(self, val): """ Validates the provided value based on cfgtype and returns the type-cast value throws the underlying configobj exception if it fails """ #note that this will normally use the *class* attribute `_validator`, #but if some arcane reason is needed for making a special one for an #instance or sub-class, it will be used return self._validator.check(self.cfgtype, val) def _generate_comments(self): comments = [] comments.append('') # adds a blank line before every entry if self.description is not None: for line in textwrap.wrap(self.description, width=76): comments.append(line) if self.cfgtype.startswith('option'): comments.append("Options: " + self.cfgtype[7:-1]) return comments # this dictionary stores the master copy of the ConfigObj's for each # root package
_cfgobjs = {}
[docs]def get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False): """ Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular package or module. Parameters ----------- packageormod : str or None The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from which this function is called will be used. Returns ------- cfgobj : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section` If the requested package is a base package, this will be the `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot be determined. """ from os.path import join from warnings import warn from .paths import get_config_dir from ..utils import find_current_module if packageormod is None: packageormod = find_current_module(2) if packageormod is None: msg1 = 'Cannot automatically determine get_config module, ' msg2 = 'because it is not called from inside a valid module' raise RuntimeError(msg1 + msg2) else: packageormod = packageormod.__name__ packageormodspl = packageormod.split('.') rootname = packageormodspl[0] secname = '.'.join(packageormodspl[1:]) cobj = _cfgobjs.get(rootname, None) if cobj is None: try: cfgfn = join(get_config_dir(), rootname + '.cfg') _cfgobjs[rootname] = cobj = configobj.ConfigObj(cfgfn, interpolation=False) except (IOError, OSError) as e: msg1 = 'Configuration defaults will be used, and configuration ' msg2 = 'cannot be saved due to ' errstr = '' if len(e.args) < 1 else (':' + str(e.args[0])) wmsg = msg1 + msg2 + e.__class__.__name__ + errstr warn(ConfigurationMissingWarning(wmsg)) #This caches the object, so if the file becomes acessible, this #function won't see it unless the module is reloaded _cfgobjs[rootname] = cobj = configobj.ConfigObj(interpolation=False) if secname: # not the root package if secname not in cobj: cobj[secname] = {} return cobj[secname] else: return cobj
[docs]def save_config(packageormod=None): """ Saves all configuration settings to the configuration file for the root package of the requested package/module. This overwrites any configuration items that have been changed in `ConfigurationItem` objects that are based on the configuration file determined by the *root* package of `packageormod` (e.g. 'astropy.cfg' for the 'astropy.config.configuration' module). .. note:: To save only a single item, use the `` method - this will save all options in the current session that may have been changed. Parameters ---------- packageormod : str or None The package or module name - see `get_config` for details. """ sec = get_config(packageormod) #look for the section that is its own parent - that's the base object while sec.parent is not sec: sec = sec.parent sec.write()
[docs]def reload_config(packageormod=None): """ Reloads configuration settings from a configuration file for the root package of the requested package/module. This overwrites any changes that may have been made in `ConfigurationItem` objects. This applies for any items that are based on this file, which is determined by the *root* package of `packageormod` (e.g. 'astropy.cfg' for the 'astropy.config.configuration' module). Parameters ---------- packageormod : str or None The package or module name - see `get_config` for details. """ sec = get_config(packageormod) #look for the section that is its own parent - that's the base object while sec.parent is not sec: sec = sec.parent sec.reload()
def get_config_items(packageormod=None): """ Returns the `ConfigurationItem` objects associated with a particular module. Parameters ---------- packageormod : str or None The package or module name or None to get the current module's items. Returns ------- configitems : dict A dictionary where the keys are the name of the items as the are named in the module, and the values are the associated `ConfigurationItem` objects. """ import sys from inspect import ismodule from ..utils import find_current_module if packageormod is None: packageormod = find_current_module(2) if packageormod is None: msg1 = 'Cannot automatically determine get_config module, ' msg2 = 'because it is not called from inside a valid module' raise RuntimeError(msg1 + msg2) elif isinstance(packageormod, basestring): __import__(packageormod) packageormod = sys.modules[packageormod] elif ismodule(packageormod): pass else: raise TypeError('packageormod in get_config_items is invalid') configitems = {} for n, obj in packageormod.__dict__.iteritems(): objcls = obj.__class__ fqn = objcls.__module__ + '.' + objcls.__name__ if fqn == 'astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem': configitems[n] = obj return configitems def _fix_section_blank_lines(sec, recurse=True, gotoroot=True): """ Adds a blank line to the comments of any sections in the requested sections, recursing into subsections if `recurse` is True. If `gotoroot` is True, this first goes to the root of the requested section, just like `save_config` and `reload_config` - this does nothing if `sec` is a configobj already. """ if not hasattr(sec, 'sections'): sec = get_config(sec) #look for the section that is its own parent - that's the base object if gotoroot: while sec.parent is not sec: sec = sec.parent for isec, snm in enumerate(sec.sections): comm = sec.comments[snm] if len(comm) == 0 or comm[-1] != '': if sec.parent is sec and isec == 0: pass # don't do it for first section else: comm.append('') if recurse: _fix_section_blank_lines(sec[snm], True, False) def _generate_all_config_items(pkgornm=None, reset_to_default=False): """ Given a root package name or package, this function simply walks through all the subpackages and modules, which should populate any ConfigurationItem objects defined at the module level. If `reset_to_default` is True, it also sets all of the items to their default values, regardless of what the file's value currently is. It then saves the `ConfigObj`. If `pkgname` is None, it determines the package based on the root package of the function where this function is called. Be a bit cautious about this, though - this might not always be what you want. """ from pkgutil import get_loader, walk_packages from types import ModuleType from ..utils import find_current_module if pkgornm is None: pkgornm = find_current_module(1).__name__.split('.')[0] if isinstance(pkgornm, basestring): package = get_loader(pkgornm).load_module(pkgornm) elif isinstance(pkgornm, ModuleType) and '__init__' in pkgornm.__file__: package = pkgornm else: msg = '_generate_all_config_items was not given a package/package name' raise TypeError(msg) for imper, nm, ispkg in walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__ + '.'): mod = imper.find_module(nm) if reset_to_default: for v in mod.__dict__.itervalues(): if isinstance(v, ConfigurationItem): v.set(v.defaultvalue) _fix_section_blank_lines(package.__name__, True, True) save_config(package.__name__)

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