
class [edit on github][source]


Fixed width table header reader.

The key settable class attributes are:

  • auto_format – format string for auto-generating column names
  • start_line – None, int, or a function of lines that returns None or int
  • comment – regular expression for comment lines
  • splitter_class – Splitter class for splitting data lines into columns
  • names – list of names corresponding to each data column
  • include_names – list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names)
  • exclude_names – list of names to exlude from output (applied after include_names)
  • position_line – row index of line that specifies position (default = 1)
  • position_char – character used to write the position line (default = “-”)
  • col_starts – list of start positions for each column (0-based counting)
  • col_ends – list of end positions (inclusive) for each column
  • delimiter_pad – padding around delimiter when writing (default = None)
  • bookend – put the delimiter at start and end of line when writing (default = False)

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

get_cols(lines) Initialize the header Column objects from the table lines.
get_line(lines, index)
get_fixedwidth_params(line) Split line on the delimiter and determine column values and column start and end positions.

Attributes Documentation

position_line = None

Methods Documentation

write(lines) [edit on github][source]
get_cols(lines) [edit on github][source]

Initialize the header Column objects from the table lines.

Based on the previously set Header attributes find or create the column names. Sets self.cols with the list of Columns. This list only includes the actual requested columns after filtering by the include_names and exclude_names attributes. See self.names for the full list.

Parameters:lines – list of table lines
get_line(lines, index) [edit on github][source]
get_fixedwidth_params(line) [edit on github][source]

Split line on the delimiter and determine column values and column start and end positions. This might include null columns with zero length (e.g. for header row = "| col1 || col2 | col3 |" or header2_row = "----- ------- -----"). The null columns are stripped out. Returns the values between delimiters and the corresponding start and end positions.

Parameters:line – input line
Returns:(vals, starts, ends)

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