Miscellaneous Input/Output (astropy.io.misc)

The astropy.io.misc module contains miscellaneous input/output routines that do not fit elsewhere, and are often used by other Astropy sub-packages. For example, astropy.io.misc.hdf5 contains functions to read/write Table objects from/to HDF5 files, but these should not be imported directly by users. Instead, users can access this functionality via the Table class itself (see Reading and writing Table objects). Routines that are intended to be used directly by users are listed in the astropy.io.misc section.

astropy.io.misc Module

This package contains miscellaneous utility functions for data input/output with astropy.


fnpickle(object, fileorname[, usecPickle, ...]) Pickle an object to a specified file.
fnunpickle(fileorname[, number, usecPickle]) Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents.

astropy.io.misc.hdf5 Module

This package contains functions for reading and writing HDF5 tables that are not meant to be used directly, but instead are available as readers/writers in astropy.table. See Reading and writing Table objects for more details.


read_table_hdf5(input[, path]) Read a Table object from an HDF5 file This requires h5py to be installed.
write_table_hdf5(table, output[, path, ...]) Write a Table object to an HDF5 file This requires h5py to be installed.