Unit Conversion =============== There are two ways of handling conversions between units. Direct Conversion ----------------- In this case, given a source and destination unit, the value(s) in the new units is(are) returned. >>> from astropy import units as u >>> u.pc.to(u.m, 3.26) 1.0059317615e+17 This converts 3.26 parsecs to meters. Arrays are permitted as arguments. >>> u.h.to(u.s, [1, 2, 5, 10.1]) array([ 3600., 7200., 18000., 36360.]) Obtaining a Conversion Function ------------------------------- Finally, one may obtain a function that can be used to convert to the new unit. Normally this may seem like overkill when all one needs to do is multiply by a scale factor, but there are cases when the transformation between units may not be as simple as a single scale factor, for example when a custom equivalency table is in use. Conversion to different units involves obtaining a conversion function and then applying it to the value, or values to be converted. >>> cms = u.cm / u.s >>> cms_to_mph = cms.get_converter(u.mile / u.hour) >>> cms_to_mph(100.) 2.2366936292054402 >>> cms_to_mph([1000, 2000]) array([ 22.36936292, 44.73872584]) Incompatible Conversions ------------------------ If you attempt to convert to a incompatible unit, an exception will result: >>> cms.to(u.mile) ... UnitsException: 'cm / (s)' (speed) and 'mi' (length) are not convertible You can check whether a particular conversion is possible using the `~astropy.units.core.UnitBase.is_equivalent` method:: >>> u.m.is_equivalent(u.foot) True >>> u.m.is_equivalent("second") False >>> (u.m ** 2).is_equivalent(u.acre) True