.. Astropy documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jul 26 02:59:34 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ################################### Welcome to Astropy's Documentation! ################################### .. image:: astropy_banner_96.png Astropy is a community-driven package intended to contain much of the core functionality and some common tools needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics with Python. .. _user-docs: ****************** User Documentation ****************** :ref:`whatsnew-0.2` =================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 overview install getting_started nddata/index units/index time/index coordinates/index table/index cosmology/index io/fits/index io/ascii/index io/votable/index io/misc wcs/index stats/index utils/index configs/index logging stability whatsnew/index creditsandlicense *********************** Getting help *********************** If you want to get help or discuss issues with other Astropy users, you can sign up for the `astropy mailing list `_. Alternatively, the `astropy-dev `_ list is where you should go to discuss more technical aspects of Astropy with the developers. *********************** Reporting issues *********************** If you have come across something that you believe is a bug, please open a ticket in the Astropy `issue tracker `_, and we will look into it promptly. Please try to include an example that demonstrates the issue and will allow the developers to reproduce and fix the problem. If you are seeing a crash then frequently it will help to include the full Python stack trace as well as information about your operating system (e.g. MacOSX version or Linux version). .. _developer-docs: *********************** Developer Documentation *********************** The developer documentation contains instructions for how to contribute to Astropy or affiliated packages, as well as coding, documentation, and testing guidelines. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 development/vision development/workflow/index development/codeguide development/docguide development/testguide development/building_packaging development/scripts development/sphinxext changelog ****************** Indices and Tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`