Separations ----------- The on-sky separation is easily computed with the `separation` method, which computes the great-circle distance (*not* the small-angle approximation):: >>> c1 = ICRSCoordinates('5h23m34.5s -69d45m22s') >>> c2 = ICRSCoordinates('0h52m44.8s -72d49m43s') >>> sep = c1.separation(c2) >>> sep The `~astropy.coordinates.angles.AngularSeparation` object is a subclass of `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle`, so it can be accessed in the same ways, along with a few additions:: >>> sep.radians 0.36208807374669766 >>> sep.hours 1.383074562513832 >>> sep.arcmins 1244.7671062624488 >>> sep.arcsecs 74686.02637574692