
class astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.StdDevUncertainty(array=None, copy=True) [edit on github][source]

Bases: astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.NDUncertainty

A class for standard deviation uncertaintys

Attributes Summary

support_correlated bool(x) -> bool

Methods Summary

propagate_add(other_nddata, result_data) Propagate uncertainties for addition.
propagate_subtract(other_nddata, result_data) Propagate uncertainties for subtraction.
propagate_multiply(other_nddata, result_data) Propagate uncertainties for mutliplication.
propagate_divide(other_nddata, result_data) Propagate uncertainties for division.

Attributes Documentation

support_correlated = False

Methods Documentation

propagate_add(other_nddata, result_data) [edit on github][source]

Propagate uncertainties for addition.

Parameters :

other_nddata : NDData instance

The data for the second other_nddata in a + b

result_data : ndarray instance

The data array that is the result of the addition

Returns :

result_uncertainty : NDUncertainty instance

The resulting uncertainty

Raises :

IncompatibleUncertaintiesException :

Raised if the method does not know how to propagate the uncertainties

propagate_subtract(other_nddata, result_data) [edit on github][source]

Propagate uncertainties for subtraction.

Parameters :

other_nddata : NDData instance

The data for the second other_nddata in a + b

result_data : ndarray instance

The data array that is the result of the addition

Returns :

result_uncertainty : NDUncertainty instance

The resulting uncertainty

Raises :

IncompatibleUncertaintiesException :

Raised if the method does not know how to propagate the uncertainties

propagate_multiply(other_nddata, result_data) [edit on github][source]

Propagate uncertainties for mutliplication.

Parameters :

other_nddata : NDData instance

The data for the second other_nddata in a + b

result_data : ndarray instance

The data array that is the result of the addition

Returns :

result_uncertainty : NDUncertainty instance

The resulting uncertainty

Raises :

IncompatibleUncertaintiesException :

Raised if the method does not know how to propagate the uncertainties

propagate_divide(other_nddata, result_data) [edit on github][source]

Propagate uncertainties for division.

Parameters :

other_nddata : NDData instance

The data for the second other_nddata in a + b

result_data : ndarray instance

The data array that is the result of the addition

Returns :

result_uncertainty : NDUncertainty instance

The resulting uncertainty

Raises :

IncompatibleUncertaintiesException :

Raised if the method does not know how to propagate the uncertainties

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